Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dream Big!

Hey everyone,
Welcome to my new blog. I thought I would start up a blog so that I could share some stuff that God has been laying on my heart lately. Dream big! I've been reading a book called The Dream Giver that my friend Elle gave me for graduation. (Thanks LA, I love it!) It talks about how everyone has a dream that God has given them but only certain people decide to pursue it. A few things that stop us are, what other people think, the "invisible wall of fear" that comes between it, and that comes along with leaving our comfort zone. When I went to Jamaica, there was a number of things that were way out of my comfort zone that I had not done before. To my surprise, it was fun, frustrating me that only fear was what was holding me back. We need to remind ourselves that God knows what he is doing. When we turn to go back in our comfort zone, don't ignore the voice that calls out, "Where are you going?" Listen and pray, have God guide you in your dreams.

"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4


  1. Whitney!
    This is good stuff!!! I am so excited that you started a blog.

  2. Hello Whitney,

    I am pleased to see that you have started a blog. I look forward to hearing more about your life... college... big dreams... little insights... etc.

    Congratulations... high school is OVER!
