Monday, July 5, 2010

Eye on the target

Hello everyone!

It has been a really long time since I wrote on here, I'm sorry, I have not made time for my lil blog. But I thought I would get on here again and keep you all posted on things that God has been sharing with me lately. First of all...I am a selfish person! I think we can all look inside ourselves and find some form of selfishness. But I went to church at Redeemer this past Sunday and what the pastor talked about reminded me of the book "Irresistible Revolution" by Shane Clairborne. Such a good book! If you have not read it, please, please do! It gives you a serving outlook on life. We need to be serving others instead of being so focused on our wallet and not being generous. What part of Jesus' life shows us to not be generous to others, or to reach out to those in need? Are we not suppose to follow in his footsteps? When did he never reach out to someone because he could not afford it, or did not have the time? Jesus ALWAYS made time for anyone that needed him. Jesus ALWAYS reach out to those less fortunate than himself (of course, He came down to this earth, enough said) When did we decided to stop walking the walk? Instead of just talking about it...DO IT! I'm tired of sitting around doing nothing. Anyone else feel the same way?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

angry people and snowflakes...

I was driving down the road the other day and it was snowing (surprise, surprise), but I got to thinking about how the snow is like the weight of this world.

When you are driving through the snow at a fast pace, the snow comes slamming against your windshield, to me it looks like angry people, but that's just my imagination. But when you are stopped at a stop sign, the snow lightly falls to the ground so elegantly. That is very similar to life if you think about it. We get so comfortable with where we are at that we just want to stay there and enjoy the view, but we get no where in life because we are standing still. But when we all try to get somewhere in life, it gets hard, it feels like everything is against you at times (angry snowflakes). But if you keep pushing through, you will reach your destination, your goal in life. Don't let the angry snowflakes stop you...keep moving forward.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

TIMING...tick tock TicK tOCk

This is something that I find very hard at times. That’s why the power of prayer is so key. Perfect timing might not always be your timing. You might think to yourself that you are so ready, but maybe God isn’t. Or maybe God’s ready for you to move on, but you are comfortable with your life where you are. Don’t let your decisions and what you want get in the way of what God has for your life. You can make plans, just don’t set your plans in concrete.
If God knows what will happen from the beginning till the end, do you not think it would be wise to ask him for constant guidance?

God’s timing = Perfect timing.

PS - Sorry, my brain is not in full function right now or I would go deeper into the matter…but I hope you get the point.

Monday, January 11, 2010


First of all, long time, no see. Sorry it has been soooooo long. I've been incredibly busy and also, havent really thought of anything good to say haha. BUT I got to thinking about something today and it was humorous. Mature hold on...let me explain!

I've been observing many adult attitudes lately and have realized some of them might not be as mature as they hoped...again, let me explain.

Some attitudes of adults reflects a childhood like behavior.

#1 - The pouters.

Alot of children have had this habit since they were 1, its obviously a hard habit to get rid of as well. Some adults still carry this burden along with them. If some adults dont get their way, they pout. Obviously in a different way then putting out their lower lip and sitting in the corner, but they do "shun" that person that didnt agree with them on something, or boycott something that they dont completely agree with, or maybe even throw a "fit". Probably not throwing themselves on the floor, but isn't that what causes most arguments?

#2 - The non-sharers.

I have thought about this one alot actually. When we were younger and growing up, our parents always taught us to share, always share your toys. But now that we are older...what do we share with each other? Everything we have is "ours" "I bought it." Everything has a label with our name on it. Question. Who gave that to you? Hmmm think about it. Oh wait, God did. You didn't get it on your own, so why have such a tight grip on all of your possessions? They aren't yours anyway.

#3 - The "I'm right!"ers.

"I'm right!"
"No, I'm right!"
"Noooo, I'm right!"
"I'M RIGHT!!!"

Sound familiar? The pity arguments that got you no where. Can you believe those still happen in mature conversations? You can laugh all you want, but they do. Almost every argument that you hear, is over someone trying to prove they are right. It can even be over the dumbest thing like, over facts that neither of you have straight, but of course you think you do, but you still argue and it ends up neither of you are right... where did that get you?

And there are many more of these, but can I ask you another question?

Where are the ones with child-like faith? Why is that they only characteristic that disappears when we gain our "mature attitude"? If I had the choice, that would be the first one I choose, but its the first one that I lost. My goal is to gain that back, and I want all of you (yes the 2 of you) to join in and restore your child-like faith.

#1 - Seeing isnt believing. You dont have to see to believe.
#2 - Nothing has to be realistic, dream a little.
#3 - Nothing is impossible with God.
#4 - God never fails.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


There was a song that I heard on the radio the other day and it said something how if love isnt meant to be forever, then what is forever for? So I thought about it. You cant really do anything on this earth "forever" (aka until you die) except to love. True love will never fade even through the ups and down of life.

If you love for will fade
If you love for will fade
Love someone for who they are and always will will never fade

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I went to the eye doctor today (I hate eye appointments). Some of you might not no me very well, but I have bad eye history. But I'll eplain that later, pretty much I just want to thank God right now that I have perfect vision in my right eye. There is a chance that I could lose all my vision in my left eye, so I have to protect my right eye with my life haha. 6 years ago, I use to be able to see 20x25 out of my left has decreased majorly. Today it was 20x100. Over 6 years of time it decreased that much! That is a little scary for me.

Story time:

This is the story behind my left eye. I was born with a cataract and had it removed when I was like a month old. From that point out, my mom put a contact in my left eye and patch on my right eye to try to strengthen my left eye as much as possible. When I got older, still keeping the patch wear trend, I wore glasses on top of that contact, still trying to strenghten my left eye. When I was 5 years old, they had to do an eyelid lift because not only was there a cataract on my lens, my eye wasnt fully developed so it was smaller than my right eye, causing my left lid to droop. So, I kept on wearing the contact, patch and glasses. (Can't remember when I stopped wearing the patch) With the naked eye (my left one) all I could see was if it was dark or light in a room. I remember walking in my living room and just seeing the windows, the light shining in, and that was it. When I was 11, just the contact and glasses at this time, my eye started to reject the contact. It hurt really bad anytime I would try to put it in. So Dr. Grin said that I needed to go ahead and have my lens implant that they were planning to do when I was 13. I had my surgery and everything seemed to be going ok. I went back for my yearly check up and Dr. Grin told my mom and I that it had fallen forward, but they were going to try to fix it without surgery. (Sound painful? Well it was) First they tried to dialate my eye and have my lay flat on my back for 3 hours...boring. That didnt work. So she sent me over to her husbands off who is an eye surgeon, and he numbed my eye up, told me to squeeze my moms hand and then he tried to TAP IT BACK IN with this lovely little metal hook. It hurt! And guess what, it didnt work either. So then I had my 2nd lens implant when I was 12. It was sucessful! They put in a bigger lens so that it wont fall forward again and I havent had trouble since. Except for losing vision in that eye. Im incredibly near-sighted. After the surgery, they were impressed because I was suppose to see like 20x200 but I saw 20x25. My vision has decreased over the years, but still blessed that I'm not blind!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


"It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got"

Think about that...