Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I miss my friends. It feels like I havent seen them in forever. All I do is work and sleep (of course eat) but I really have lost my social life. Going from school to summer is hard for me sometimes. I see my friends every single day, and then go to never getting to see them at all. I really need to get out more.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Ealry Morning Riser

My title is a joke, I'm actually the complete opposite. Right now its 3am and I'm up sick. So I can't really go back to sleep because I will just be getting right back up again. There isnt really anything to talk about, not that I can think of. I think my brain is still sleeping or something. But I guess I will just say, hope you have a GREAT weekend! Love ya!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Prayers of the Saints

Well lately I've been contemplating the importance of prayer. Looking back to when I was little, I use to think of prayer almost as a good luck charm. If you forgot to pray or maybe just left out something you prayed for everyday, something bad was going to happen. I don't know why I viewed it like this and maybe I was the only one that did. But have you thought about this, God is your friend. Can we start treating him like a friend and not like some huge man in the clouds with "lighting in his fist"? He loves you and wants to talk to you everyday, all day.

These past few weeks, God has made it clear to me the power of prayer. From my previous blog, I got a sweet job from talking to God about it. I really needed a car so I started looking for one later on in the week. I found a nice Toyota RAV4 that I wanted to get but it was on Craigslist so we have to email the guy and wait for a response to see if they had sold it already. I talked to God like crazy that night. I really loved that car, we got an email the next morning and they said they still had it. I went, saw it, and told them we would take it. I don't have it yet because we are still waiting for the title, but I thank God so much for blessing me with a car.

The power of prayer is nothing to be overlooked, but don't sound like a broken record to God either. He wants to talk to you like he was just sitting in a chair across from you. Show love...don't be a robot.

Jesus said, "Here's what I want you to do: Find a quite, secluded place so you won't be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace. The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer--ignorant. They're full of formulas and programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God. Don't fall for that nonsense. This is your Father you are dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need. with a God like this loving you, you can pray very simply." -Matthew 6:6-9 MSG

Monday, June 1, 2009

When God answers prayer...

I have had a stressful past few weeks trying to find a job, but today, it was an answer to my prayers. Past few weeks, I thought that I was going to be working at PacSun Warehouse. With working there last year, I wasn't too thrilled. But hey, its money. So I asked around to see if anyone knew of any jobs that were available, and I got one response. This person told me to go check his mom's daycare (I can talk about him because he never reads my blog) because she had an opening. So I was at track state and she emailed me the application, I filled it out, faxed it back, and had a phone call within 5 mins that set me up with an interview on Monday (today). The only thing I wasn't sure on was the hours that I would get, so I was really gave it alot of thought, and looked at my options. I told God how much I really wanted this job, how perfect it would be, but if only He could help me get more hours. Well I had an incredible interview. She first offered me the amount of hours I was first told and with it being a little ways from where I lived, I knew it wasn't going to work, so I told her that. She left the room and talked to someone, came back and said well I can give you this position (the amount of hours was TRIPLED!) I couldn't believe it! I just want to give this joy in my heart to God right now, Thank you God! And thanks to you for telling me...if YOU'RE reading have an amazing mom.

Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. - Ps. 37:4