Monday, July 5, 2010

Eye on the target

Hello everyone!

It has been a really long time since I wrote on here, I'm sorry, I have not made time for my lil blog. But I thought I would get on here again and keep you all posted on things that God has been sharing with me lately. First of all...I am a selfish person! I think we can all look inside ourselves and find some form of selfishness. But I went to church at Redeemer this past Sunday and what the pastor talked about reminded me of the book "Irresistible Revolution" by Shane Clairborne. Such a good book! If you have not read it, please, please do! It gives you a serving outlook on life. We need to be serving others instead of being so focused on our wallet and not being generous. What part of Jesus' life shows us to not be generous to others, or to reach out to those in need? Are we not suppose to follow in his footsteps? When did he never reach out to someone because he could not afford it, or did not have the time? Jesus ALWAYS made time for anyone that needed him. Jesus ALWAYS reach out to those less fortunate than himself (of course, He came down to this earth, enough said) When did we decided to stop walking the walk? Instead of just talking about it...DO IT! I'm tired of sitting around doing nothing. Anyone else feel the same way?