Monday, January 11, 2010


First of all, long time, no see. Sorry it has been soooooo long. I've been incredibly busy and also, havent really thought of anything good to say haha. BUT I got to thinking about something today and it was humorous. Mature hold on...let me explain!

I've been observing many adult attitudes lately and have realized some of them might not be as mature as they hoped...again, let me explain.

Some attitudes of adults reflects a childhood like behavior.

#1 - The pouters.

Alot of children have had this habit since they were 1, its obviously a hard habit to get rid of as well. Some adults still carry this burden along with them. If some adults dont get their way, they pout. Obviously in a different way then putting out their lower lip and sitting in the corner, but they do "shun" that person that didnt agree with them on something, or boycott something that they dont completely agree with, or maybe even throw a "fit". Probably not throwing themselves on the floor, but isn't that what causes most arguments?

#2 - The non-sharers.

I have thought about this one alot actually. When we were younger and growing up, our parents always taught us to share, always share your toys. But now that we are older...what do we share with each other? Everything we have is "ours" "I bought it." Everything has a label with our name on it. Question. Who gave that to you? Hmmm think about it. Oh wait, God did. You didn't get it on your own, so why have such a tight grip on all of your possessions? They aren't yours anyway.

#3 - The "I'm right!"ers.

"I'm right!"
"No, I'm right!"
"Noooo, I'm right!"
"I'M RIGHT!!!"

Sound familiar? The pity arguments that got you no where. Can you believe those still happen in mature conversations? You can laugh all you want, but they do. Almost every argument that you hear, is over someone trying to prove they are right. It can even be over the dumbest thing like, over facts that neither of you have straight, but of course you think you do, but you still argue and it ends up neither of you are right... where did that get you?

And there are many more of these, but can I ask you another question?

Where are the ones with child-like faith? Why is that they only characteristic that disappears when we gain our "mature attitude"? If I had the choice, that would be the first one I choose, but its the first one that I lost. My goal is to gain that back, and I want all of you (yes the 2 of you) to join in and restore your child-like faith.

#1 - Seeing isnt believing. You dont have to see to believe.
#2 - Nothing has to be realistic, dream a little.
#3 - Nothing is impossible with God.
#4 - God never fails.